Your Dad's Lessons -Business Lessons through Children's Books

Your Dad's Lessons—Business lessons through children’s books
By Gwendolyn Gardner

As entrepreneurs we break land and speed records with what we attempt to accomplish. We feel like we cannot hold on sometimes.

I am reminded of the Audrey Hepburn quote, "The best thing to hold onto in life is each other," and the children's book, Me and My Dad by Alison Ritchie and illustrated by Alison Edgson.

Richie writes through a fuzzy papa bear and a playful baby bear. Little bear says, "We go out exploring, there's so much to see. My dad knows where all the best secrets will be." Ritchie reminds us to remember all those good feelings and lessons our dads gave us; we can pass them on to our pals and clients.

"My dad twirls me ‘round and the world whizzes past. My head gets all dizzy, I'm spinning so fast!" You feel as if you are spinning at times; I am sure. The little bear still holds onto her dad though.

"When it's raining my dad plays a staying - dry trick - To dodge all the raindrops we have to be quick." You will not be able to dodge all the raindrops, but you can tell your friends and family about them.

"My dad is so strong; he can lift anything. I hope I'm strong, too, when I'm grown-up like him."

Remember him whispering in your ear about how strong you can be when a check from a retailer hasn't arrived on time, and your supplier's phone number pops up on your cell phone!

"When I get sleepy, dad gives me a hug and carries me home, all cozy and dad is the best daddy bear there could be. We're together forever---my dad and me."

I lost my dad in 2007, so I cannot hold onto him physically, but I can still hold onto the memories and the lessons he taught me.

"Keep going," he would say. "Keep trying---just do the best you can---that's all you can do."

And---hold your best friend's hand.

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